Saturday, February 05, 2011

Back in Saddle

Greetings from The (rainy, wet) Hill,

I am not extremely talented at it but I love to write.  However for the last several years I haven't really written much of anything.  I even fell behind on journaling. Seems I just couldn't take pen to paper (or hands to keyboard).

Well, it appears the drought is over.  Maybe it's the new meds doc put me on.  Seems the right side of my brain woke up and said "Wow, I sure have been asleep for a long time." 

As you can see I've been posting regularly to this blog.  I've also been participating more on Facebook and, if you look to your right you'll see, I even got that Twitter account I said I'd never get. My triangle is a little off now because I spend so much time at this computer writing.  But it's a good thing and feels very satisfying. 

Twitter has actually been more useful than I expected.  I found a guy who posted a link to an article that has helped my attempts at writing dialog.  I love to write short essays but because I'm not good at it I never include dialog.  This article had several tips on originality - how to write a unique story.  One of the sections dealt specifically with writing dialog.

I decided to give it another try.  I'm now working on a fictionalized account of one of my favorite stories about Daddy.  I only know the bare facts of the store as told by him so I'm having to fill in the rest on my own.  It is nowhere near done yet but I will share it when I feel it's ready.

In the meantime, I'm back in the saddle writing again and, for better or worse, it feels so good.


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