Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Yesterday was a mixture of the good, the bad and the ugly. The bad and the ugly was that most folks I spoke with had bad days.

My co-worker was late because they had to put her father-in-law in the hospital. My best friend called in tears because her cousin’s child has a dangerous tumor on her arm and they have to do surgery Wednesday. Randy’s day at work was not good. Our church play director's day was not good (not sure if it was work or a bad practice – maybe both). And on top of my day at work being exhausting and still not getting done all I needed to get done I received all the above news.

After work I had to run by the vet’s and then do that chore I really dislike – buying groceries. Though it could have been worse. It could have been raining. By the time I got home I was ill as a hornet and snapped Randy’s head off (sorry Sweetie). It was just really one of THOSE days. But then that was the bad and the ugly. There was also some good.

I did get a little joy out of my trip to the grocery store. You see just about every variety of folks there. My Grandma Fouts was a people watcher and she would have had a field day if she had been with me yesterday.

There were those folks who stand around outside the grocery store chatting, catching up on all the gossip while their ice cream melts. Inside was the lady in the motorized chair. Bless her heart she accidentally knocked over a bag of radishes onto the floor but if she hadn’t been speeding it wouldn’t have happened. I picked up the bag for her and headed around the corner.

Going down the pasta aisle I met a woman with a child in the cart seat who threw up his snack just as he got past me. Poor baby – poor mama. Watching the whole thing with us sympathetic mothers was a single guy, older man – handsome actually. How do I know he was single??? Because later, at the frozen food case, someone he knew asked him over for supper. He declined and said he was going to have a light supper tonight. Does that sound like a married man to you????

There were also the usual suspects. The giggly girls who run into you, act embarrassed, then talk about how funny it was. The rough looking teenage guys buying snacks. Don’t want to know what they will be doing later. The sweet little older couple. The friend on Facebook you hardly ever see in person. The former co-worker. You know how it goes. So while I hate buying groceries I do have to say the trip was interesting.

And here is the icing on the cake. My nephew, who has been out of work for 17 months, finally got a job. An answered prayer - what a great way to end the day.


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